Cliff College House Rules

Cliff College House Rules
Cliff College House Rules

1900-1950 / Methodism / Other / Paper / Publication
Printed on paper
c. 1930-50

Cliff College was founded in the early 1900s and provides Christian theological education and training with a focus on mission and evangelism. Historically, it was a Methodist Lay Training college with roots in Bolton Lancashire; later, it operated from Derbyshire and London, and today its home is once more in Derbyshire, at Calver.

This handbill of house rules was issued to resident students; likely, it was pinned to the doors of their rooms. It sets out - rather harsh - directives, including when the students were allowed to be in their rooms, at what time to turn off the light at night and the need to answer roll calls. Interestingly, students were only allowed to write with pencils in their rooms, fountain pens - possibly for the mess overturned pots of ink could cause - were prohibited.