1750-1800 / Document / John Wesley / Letter / Methodism / Ministers, Preachers & Associates / Paper
Ink on paper
From John Wesley to Robert Brackenbury, 15th September 1789
A letter written by John Wesley to preacher and friend Robert (Carr) Brackenbury (1752-1818) in St Helier, Jersey, in 1789. The letter illustrates how Wesley's hand writing deteriorated as he got older. Wesley found it increasingly hard to see, and sometimes he now dictated letters instead.
The spidery hand writing is hard to make out. John Wesley talks about his advancing age and deteriorating health - which is rare in his letters. He also makes a very interesting reference to 'full Sanctification. This is the Grand Depositum whch GOD has lodged with the People called Methodists: And for the sake of propagating this chiefly He Appeard to have raised us up".
See also John Wesley's other letters to Brackenbury in the Online Collection.
From John Wesley to Robert Brackenbury, 15th September 1789
A letter written by John Wesley to preacher and friend Robert (Carr) Brackenbury (1752-1818) in St Helier, Jersey, in 1789. The letter illustrates how Wesley's hand writing deteriorated as he got older. Wesley found it increasingly hard to see, and sometimes he now dictated letters instead.
The spidery hand writing is hard to make out. John Wesley talks about his advancing age and deteriorating health - which is rare in his letters. He also makes a very interesting reference to 'full Sanctification. This is the Grand Depositum whch GOD has lodged with the People called Methodists: And for the sake of propagating this chiefly He Appeard to have raised us up".
See also John Wesley's other letters to Brackenbury in the Online Collection.