1800-1850 / Document / Letter / Methodism / Ministers, Preachers & Associates / Paper / Printing & Publishing
Paper; ink
Thomas Jackson to Hugh Stuart Boyd, 24th October 1834
Apologetic note sent by Jackson in City Road to Boyd, promising that "a notice of your very interesting and valuable volume will be found in our next magazine".
Thomas Jackson (1783-1873) was a Methodist minister and scholar, and served as Connexional Editor (1824-37 and 1839-41), including the Methodist Magazine referred to in his letter. Jackson was elected President of Conference in 1838 and became theological tutor at Richmond College (1842-61).
Thomas Jackson to Hugh Stuart Boyd, 24th October 1834
Apologetic note sent by Jackson in City Road to Boyd, promising that "a notice of your very interesting and valuable volume will be found in our next magazine".
Thomas Jackson (1783-1873) was a Methodist minister and scholar, and served as Connexional Editor (1824-37 and 1839-41), including the Methodist Magazine referred to in his letter. Jackson was elected President of Conference in 1838 and became theological tutor at Richmond College (1842-61).