Paper; ink
22nd October 1872
Short letter from Luke Hoult Wiseman (1822-1875), addressed to a Mr Prest, and informing him that a special committee has been fixed for 17th December 1872.
Wiseman was a Wesleyan minister and a renowned preacher and biblical scholar. He was also a supporter of the Anti-Slavery Association and of the Bible Society and became a Secretary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in 1868. In 1861 Wiseman was one of the founders of the Methodist Recorder, and he was elected President of the 1872 Methodist Conference.
L.H. Wiseman was the father of Dr Frederick Luke Wiseman (1858-1944), superintendent minister of the Birmingham Mission (1888-1913) and later at Wesley's Chapel, City Road (1940-1944).
22nd October 1872
Short letter from Luke Hoult Wiseman (1822-1875), addressed to a Mr Prest, and informing him that a special committee has been fixed for 17th December 1872.
Wiseman was a Wesleyan minister and a renowned preacher and biblical scholar. He was also a supporter of the Anti-Slavery Association and of the Bible Society and became a Secretary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in 1868. In 1861 Wiseman was one of the founders of the Methodist Recorder, and he was elected President of the 1872 Methodist Conference.
L.H. Wiseman was the father of Dr Frederick Luke Wiseman (1858-1944), superintendent minister of the Birmingham Mission (1888-1913) and later at Wesley's Chapel, City Road (1940-1944).