Reverend John Wesley (1703–1791), MA
1750-1800 / John Wesley / Oil on Canvas/Board / Painting / Portrait
Oil on canvas
Unidentified artist, Late 1700s
Another contemporary or near-contemporary depiction of John Wesley. Nothing is known of the artist. The colouring is deliberately suggestive of Old Master paintings and is similar to many other portraits of John Wesley.
Interestingly, whilst the chin, mouth and nose compare to other portraits of Wesley and are probably good likenesses, the eyes are quite different.
Unidentified artist, Late 1700s
Another contemporary or near-contemporary depiction of John Wesley. Nothing is known of the artist. The colouring is deliberately suggestive of Old Master paintings and is similar to many other portraits of John Wesley.
Interestingly, whilst the chin, mouth and nose compare to other portraits of Wesley and are probably good likenesses, the eyes are quite different.