Stranger’s Friend Society Annual Accounts, 1786-91

Stranger’s Friend Society Annual Accounts, 1786-91
Stranger’s Friend Society Annual Accounts, 1786-91

1750-1800 / John Wesley / Methodism / Pamphlet / Paper / Publication
Printed on paper

These accounts give a picture of the dealings of the Methodist Stranger's Friend Society in Bristol in the late 1700s. Similar societies were set up in a number of British towns at the time, and they were a significant part of the welfare work of Methodism in urban areas.

John Wesley encouraged this type of welfare by regular financial contributions and more formal support, as in this case, by writing the introduction to the accounts of the Bristol society. One of the defining features of the Stranger's Friend Society was that the recipients of money and assistance did not need to be Methodists but were to be 'deserving' poor, sick, friendless strangers of any religious background (or none).